Content Digitization, OCR, Data Capture, eBook Services in INDIA
Other Case Studies

Case Study

Describe your digital publishing workflow

” Most, but not all, eBooks have a print version they’re generated from. Typically, our workflow starts with the InDesign file of the print book version, from which we export an epub file. From there, we fine-tune the coding of the epub, generate an embedded table of contents, and then test the file to ensure it’s “valid” for distribution to Apple, B&N, etc.
At this point, we send the client an epub “proof” to load to a device(s) for review. After any necessary revisions and client approval of the epub, we generate a mobi file for review on the Kindle. Upon approval of the mobi, we pass on the final, distribution-ready epub and mobi files.
If the eBook does not have a print version to start with, or the print version is not in Adobe InDesign, we can also work with Word docs and PDF files.”

Case Study

What is a conversion service?

Conversion service is converting files from one format to preferred ebook format like ePub, Kindle, .Lit , pdb etc.

Case Study

Do you produce digital publications such as eBooks?

” Yes! We can both manage the process of producing a quality eBook, as well as creating valid epub (Apple/Nook) and mobi (Kindle) files.
We can also design and produce PDF files that can be read on a variety of devices.
We are also expertise in creating fixed-layout eBooks, ePub3, or eBooks with a great deal of design complexity, and we produce apps, such as those generated from the Adobe Digital Publishing Suite.”

Case Study

Which formats are the most popular ones?

Kindle and ePub are the most popular eBook formats. Kindle is a format that works on tablets like Kindle Fire , Kindle DX and other Kindle devices. ePub is a format that works on iPad, Nook, Sony ,Kobo and other android based tablets.

Case Study

How can I get registered with online book stores?

“You will have to create an account with your preferred distribution platform. You can click on the platforms below to create an account with the respective stores.
Barnes and Nobles