Content Digitization, OCR, Data Capture, eBook Services in INDIA
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Case Study

Digital Archiving – Benefits

Digitization contribute to

  • Conservation of physical resources
  • Enables effective sharing of information and contributes to knowledge flow
  • Unlocks information that was previously difficult to access in paper form.
  • Use of digital surrogates will reduce wear and tear of originals / made legible.
  • Negate the use of originals
  • Access to information could be restricted with remote access
  • Provide customizable user interface for collaborative working environment
  • Faster support regarding any query & question
  • Cost saving on paper and time saving in finding information.

Case Study

Enhanced eBook Features

Enhanced eBooks go beyond the simple layouts of most ebooks to offer more complex formatting, illustration, and rich media such as video, audio and program-like interactions. As we’ve just seen, updates to the EPUB and Kindle formats — EPUB3 and Kindle KF8 — provide the advanced features needed for enhanced ebooks. A new breed of e-reading devices and apps is emerging to support these new versions.
enhancedebookWe’ll take a brief look at some of the more important formats being used today to produce enhanced ebooks in this changing landscape.

• PDF (Portable Document Format)
• Apps
• Fixed layout ebooks
• Web app

And we’ll look at two popular tools for producing enhanced ebooks

• Adobe Digital Publishing Suite
• Apple iBooks Author

These tools and formats are just a small selection of the many options to produce enhanced digital publications. Each of these has solid backing and supporters among the publishing community but this is a field where we’re still some way from having a widely-adopted standard.

Case Study

How to Promote Your E-Book?

Try these tactics, making sure that the e-book always is the call to action:

•  Post the first chapter on SlideShare.
•  Record someone from your team reading the e-book and launch it as an audio book.
•  Launch a webinar with the author, featured thought leaders, or brands.
•  Create an infographic with the e-book’s tips, tricks, or quotes.
•  Turn each chapter into a blog post.
•  Write a guest blog post for sites covering the topic.
•  Include the e-book in two or three places on your website, such as the home page, resources section, and sidebar call-out.
•  Print it or put it on a USB drive and give it away at conferences, booth exhibits, etc.

Case Study

METS/ALTO and Web Interface Services


The combination of METS and ALTO (often written METS/ALTO) is the current industry standard for newspaper digitization used by hundreds of modern, large-scale newspaper digitization projects


  • METS has the capability to support article segmentation, so articles, headlines, bylines, and other article-level metadata can be captured.
  • The combination of METS and ALTO captures very “rich” data, allowing the development of innovative discovery and delivery interfaces.
  • Both METS and ALTO are open XML standards — no proprietary software is required to read or transform the digitized objects.

Web Interface (Web based application):

 A web-based application is any application that uses a website as the interface (the ‘front-end’). Users access the application from any computer connected to the Internet using a standard browser, instead of using an application that has been installed on their local computer.

Business Advantage using Web Inteface

  • Cost effective development
  • Accessible anywhere
  • Easily customizable
  • Accessible for a range of devices
  • Improved interoperability
  • Easier installation and maintenance
  • Adaptable to increased workload
  • Security
  • Flexible core technologies

Case Study

Digital Archiving

The information for an organization of interest, comes in many forms. The main part consists of many different types of documents:. Letters, invoices, reports, faxes, forms, e-mail, spreadsheets, computer output, multimedia files, web pages, etc. Moreover, this information already reached your organization through a variety of channels, and are often various locations. By digitally archiving the incoming information you keep the overview and your grip on your documents.

With the deployment of a digital archive it possible all this unstructured information in order to create organized and accessible information.


Digital archiving, benefits:

  • Efficient document
  • Substantial savings compared to a paper archive (archive space, archive staff)
  • Cost savings for frequent copying and physically sending paper documents
  • Always the right and most recent version of a document available
  • Back faster search and retrieval of relevant information