Digitization contribute to
Enhanced eBooks go beyond the simple layouts of most ebooks to offer more complex formatting, illustration, and rich media such as video, audio and program-like interactions. As we’ve just seen, updates to the EPUB and Kindle formats — EPUB3 and Kindle KF8 — provide the advanced features needed for enhanced ebooks. A new breed of e-reading devices and apps is emerging to support these new versions.
We’ll take a brief look at some of the more important formats being used today to produce enhanced ebooks in this changing landscape.
• PDF (Portable Document Format)
• Apps
• Fixed layout ebooks
• Web app
And we’ll look at two popular tools for producing enhanced ebooks
• Adobe Digital Publishing Suite
• Apple iBooks Author
These tools and formats are just a small selection of the many options to produce enhanced digital publications. Each of these has solid backing and supporters among the publishing community but this is a field where we’re still some way from having a widely-adopted standard.
Try these tactics, making sure that the e-book always is the call to action:
• Post the first chapter on SlideShare.
• Record someone from your team reading the e-book and launch it as an audio book.
• Launch a webinar with the author, featured thought leaders, or brands.
• Create an infographic with the e-book’s tips, tricks, or quotes.
• Turn each chapter into a blog post.
• Write a guest blog post for sites covering the topic.
• Include the e-book in two or three places on your website, such as the home page, resources section, and sidebar call-out.
• Print it or put it on a USB drive and give it away at conferences, booth exhibits, etc.
The combination of METS and ALTO (often written METS/ALTO) is the current industry standard for newspaper digitization used by hundreds of modern, large-scale newspaper digitization projects
Web Interface (Web based application):
A web-based application is any application that uses a website as the interface (the ‘front-end’). Users access the application from any computer connected to the Internet using a standard browser, instead of using an application that has been installed on their local computer.
Business Advantage using Web Inteface